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Monday, May 18, 2009

H1N1 Influenza

I hope singapore does not get affected by the virus in malaysia and singapore won't.H1N1 is a subtype of influenza virus.H1N1 can be spread by sneezes and by saliva.Some of the countries that have been affected are Japan, china, Russia and Malaysia.Other countries make all students to line up , put a mask and put santitizer on thier hands before entering the school to prevent H1N1.I think taking temprature is effective as high fever is one of the symtoms of H1N1.We can wash our hands frequently and cover your mouth when you are coughing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Respecting others is important as it will make your life nicer. Here are 5 ideas of respecting others.

- Don't tease others- Do bully others
- Do not inturrupt when others are talking
- Do not hurt their feeling example calling them names
- Do not gossip about others

These are my five points of respecting others!
BYE BYE!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009


I think that my classroom is dirty as many students that use my class including my classmates most of the time litter. Examples of litter they throw on the floor is papers, bottles and pencils etc ............... I think we must keep our classroom clean because other people too wants to have a clen and neat classroom to study in.one way is to pick up the litter around you after school. I have helped to sweep the floor before.This activity teaches me to be responsible to keep the classroom clean.I have learned self-disipline and sincerity from this activity.