WELCOMEto my blog ! i think u r the only one who visits this blog as u know my blog name is so difficult!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

By:Samantha Kang Xiao Hui

I am Samantha. I am Vanessa's friend. I treat her as my very very very very very very gooooooodddd friend. Today I am going to talk about her dog Frosty. He is very cute and cute and cute and cute and cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And I dont even know what I am talking about.

By"Vanessa Tay(comments)
umm.....samantha is a bit crazy lolz XD(jking)haha!!Coz she dun know wad to type!!BYE!see u soooooonnnnn !!!!!!!!!:D

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